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Negative BKR registration: What is it and how do you get rid of it?

Written on October 10, 2019 by Mr. Lisa van Gulik
  • Trial lawyer
How does BKR removal work

If you take out a loan, mortgage or phone contract, for example, with BKR, it will be registered and recorded with BKR. This is a neutral or 'positive' registration. The moment you default on your payment obligation for an extended period of time, the registration changes to a negative BKR registration.

A negative BKR registration means that in many cases you cannot take out new credit, think about applying for a (new) loan, taking out a lease or a new phone.

Here's how to avoid a negative registration and what you can do to get rid of a negative registration.

When do you get a negative BKR registration?

A negative BKR registration occurs because you do not or cannot meet your monthly financial obligations. Depending on the type of credit, a negative registration results from:

  • a bank account that you are allowed to be in the red and do not replenish it (on time);
  • a credit card, but you do not repay (on time);
  • a personal loan or revolving credit, but you do not repay (on time);
  • A deferred payment, but you don't pay;
  • a private lease contract, but you do not pay the monthly amount (on time);
  • a mobile with your subscription, but you don't pay the monthly fee (on time);
  • a mortgage, but you miss more than three payment terms.

As mentioned, you will be registered "positive" in case you take out credit. A registration remains positive if you neatly meet your payment obligations. If you fall behind by not paying on time, you will receive a negative registration.

How can you tell if you are facing a negative registration? Every BKR statement shows general information. Negative registrations show additional information under the heading "particulars. This is because a negative registration shows particulars: the negative code(s).

The different types of coding explained

  • A codes
  • H codings
  • A2 coding
  • A3 coding
  • The numbers (1 to 5)

A codes

The A code stands for arrears notification.

H codings

The H coding represents a recovery notification.

A2 coding

These are two codes: the A and 2 coding. The A stands for an arrears notification and the 2 stands for claiming the debt. Usually at that point the debt is turned over to a collection agency.

A3 coding

These are two codes: the A and 3 coding. The A stands for arrears notification and code 3 can have two meanings. A write-off on receivable or a waiver has occurred.

The numbers (1 to 5)

  • The code 1 represents an affected payment arrangement
  • The code 2 represents claiming the entire claim
  • The code 3 can have two different meanings:
  • The code 4 represents inaccessibility
  • The code 5 stands for preventive mortgage payment plan

Preventing a negative BKR registration

Very briefly, pay on time. By meeting your financial obligations, you ensure that your record remains positive.

A negative BKR registration does not come as a surprise. When you don't pay on time, the lender will first send you several reminders, reminders or warnings. Do you still pay? Then you can avoid a negative registration. Then you will receive a notice warning you about the negative registration. This is your last chance to avoid negative registration.

Prevention is better than cure. Do you have a small budget each month? Sometimes a loan can help, but always keep in mind the monthly expenses. Therefore, when taking out a loan, think carefully already about your ability to meet the financial obligations.

Getting rid of a negative BKR registration

Are you dealing with a negative BKR registration and are you hampered by it? It is possible to get rid of the registration.

Step 1: Check data:

Check that the information on the BKR statement is correct. It often happens that there are wrong or still outdated data on the BKR statement, such as missing an end date or incorrect dates. In that case, contact the lender with a request to change it.

Step 2: Remove:

You can do a lot yourself to get your negative BKR registration removed.

Please note that getting rid of a BKR is not done overnight; this is a long-term process. A lot of (free) time goes into it and you will need to learn about the BKR system to fully understand the terms in order to write a good removal request.

Enable Dynamite Netherlands

Do you need help with the removal of your BKR registration? Dynamite Netherlands is the expert in removing (negative) BKR registrations. If you can't see the forest for the trees or don't have the patience and time to remove your BKR-registration yourself, please contact us. Dynamite Netherlands' expertise ensures that the success rate is higher than if you make an attempt yourself.

Are you curious about your options? More is possible than you think! Please contact us for more information. During the free intake interview, one of our customer advisors will inform you about the options for removing your registration(s) and the total cost of our service.

  1. Free intake consultation on removing your BKR registration.
  2. Specialists for each specific problem
  3. Always pay a predetermined fixed amount, so no surprises
  4. Satisfied customers: an average of 8.9/10 from over 1,500 reviews
  5. Apply today = helped tomorrow!

Watch the video in which Mr. Frank Visser (known from the driving judge) explains how Dynamite Netherlands is committed to removing negative BKR registrations.

Requesting an intake interview

Our experts for removing a negative BKR registration

Sarah van den Berg
  • Belongs to the absolute best in her field of work
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Vera van der Vliet
  • Lawyer from the banking industry with extensive financial knowledge
  • Has successfully assisted hundreds of people
Jan Doeke Biesheuvel
  • Has resolved hundreds of cases without court intervention
  • Substantively a very strong lawyer
Nurettin Kocak
  • Has gained great respect within the legal services industry
  • A decisive and no-nonsense lawyer
Nadine Edelschaap
  • Has positively resolved hundreds of cases
  • Creative lawyer who thinks 'out of the box'
Menno de Boorder
  • Does only the court cases
  • Wins by far the most cases
Björn de Haan
  • Has over 8 years of experience with BKR procedures
  • Start only lawsuits
Yordi Franssen
  • He never gives up until the work is completely finished
  • Is a perfectionist, both in his dress style and in the diligence of his letters
Lisa van Gulik
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  • Start lawsuits and proceedings at the Kifid
René Speelman
  • Lawyer with an awful lot of financial knowledge
  • Is also a mediator
Deepak Thakoerdien
  • 13 years of experience in legal proceedings
  • Known from the media
Tine Notenboom
  • Specializing in litigation
  • Does only the complex cases
Mirjosa de Sanders
  • Legal assistant with 5 years of experience within Dynamite
  • Helps you complete your file
Berry van Ockenburg
  • Naturally disagrees with everything, including registrations
Eva Hukshorn
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Sharona Budhai
Walid Rabah
  • Is communication ironclad
  • Goes to the bitter end for his clients
Marcel Boot
Michael de Zwart
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Frequently asked questions about negative BKR registrations

How does removing a BKR registration work?

When do I get a negative BKR registration?

What does removing a negative BKR registration cost?

How long does a BKR registration remain visible?

What are the consequences of a positive BKR registration?

Do I have a negative BKR?

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