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The Bureau of Credit Registration (BKR).

Creditworthiness regarding bkr

What is the BKR?

The meaning of BKR is Bureau Krediet Registratie. This bureau is a foundation that registers all kinds of credit. Think of a loan, credit card or an order from a mail order company. A mobile phone with a subscription is also registered.

The abbreviation BKR often refers not only to the Bureau of Credit Registration, but also to the registration that this bureau has made of your credit(s).

All registrations are recorded in one system: the Central Credit Information System (CKI). In addition to keeping track of all these closed loans, arrears are also recorded.

Retrieve Registration

Anyone in the Netherlands can see what information about him or her is registered in the CKI by requesting the BKR overview. If you have ever been or are currently in arrears with payments, you may have a negative BKR registration.

On this page you will find the following information about the BKR

  • Help in removing negative BKR registrations
  • What is a BKR registration?
  • Types of negative registrations
  • What does and does not it record?
  • Get your BKR statement for free
  • How do you get in touch with the BKR?
  • What are the consequences of a negative registration?

Not every registration can be removed. The presence of a good interest (why do you want the registration removed?), for example, is necessary.

Dynamite Netherlands' working method is tailored to your personal situation. We deliver customized solutions to each client. In addition, our lawyers and specialists have a network of (direct) contacts with lenders. With this working method and this network we can often quickly reach a suitable solution.

Want to know if you are eligible to have your negative registration removed? Then request an immediate, no-obligation telephone consultation. Our advisors will be happy to assist you. With their expertise and excellent customer service, they will work with you to see what options are available to you. This way you know exactly where you stand.

What is a BKR registration?

As mentioned, (almost) every credit taken out is registered in a central system: the Central Credit Information System (CKI). A BKR registration is also called a credit check.

Every credit recorded is basically a positionrecord. This states:

  • your name, address and date of birth
  • the type of credit
  • the amount thereof
  • the first and (anticipated) last month of repayment.

A positive registration generally does not affect you. However, the amount of credit or credits in your registration does affect, for example, the mortgage you can get. When taking out a mortgage with BKR registration, the higher your existing credit, the lower the amount a mortgage lender is willing to finance.

Are you experiencing payment delays of two months or more? If so, this is a negative registration.

Types of negative BKR registrations

Not every negative -registration is the same: not everyone has the same type of arrears. To distinguish these arrears from each other, the BKR uses a number of general codes, each with its own meaning.

A Coding There is (has been) a payment delay of 2 months or more (arrears notification).

Code 1 Payment arrangements were made after arrears occurred.

H Coding Payment arrears have been cleared (recovery coding).

Code 2 The claim has been made payable in full (assignment to the collection agency).

Code 3 The receivable has been written off internally. Or final discharge has been granted (debt restructuring or final discharge).

Code 4 The borrower appeared or appears to be unreachable.

Code 5 A written preventive payment arrangement with respect to a mortgage credit agreement of at least four months has been agreed upon.

What does and does not the BKR record?

The BKR registers (almost) all credit taken out in the Netherlands. A lender is obliged to report credit in excess of 250 euros to the BKR. For example, if you take out a personal loan from Rabobank, the bank is obliged to report this.

As mentioned, almost all credits are registered. There are some exceptions. Below is an overview of what the BKR does and does not register.

What does the BKR not register?

  • Your financial information, such as income or sales
  • Debts with the CJIB or the tax authorities
  • Study debt at DUO
  • Housing association rent arrears
  • Rent debt or other debts with companies that are not banks or lenders
  • Debts such as rent debt, tax debt or unpaid bills with companies
  • Late payment with an energy supplier
  • Payment delays with your health insurance

What does the BKR register?

  • Expiring credit agreement
  • Revolving credit agreement
  • Mortgages (for arrears of 90 days or more)
  • Residual mortgage debt after claiming NHG
  • Residual debt mortgage without claiming NHG
  • Shipping house credit (buy or installment)
  • Debt Settlement
  • Private lease contract
  • Phone subscription
  • Being in the red

Tip: this is how to avoid a phone registration

Are you planning to take out a subscription with a phone? Then purchase a phone cheaper than €250 or pay for the phone in one go. This will prevent a positive registration. In fact, a positive registration affects your borrowing capacity.

Tip: being in the red and BKR

If you can stand in the red on your bank account, this automatically results in a (positive) registration, even if you never actually stand in the red. Would you like to avoid this BKR registration for standing in the red? With some banks you can set up that you can stand in the red up to 250 euros. You will then not get a registration.

Request your overview for free

You can request your statement for free from the BKR. Please note that this does not work with your DigiD. Go to this page for more information about requesting your BKR statement.

How do you get in touch with the BKR?

Address: Teisterbantlaan 2a, 4006 EB Tiel
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00 hours
Phone number: 088-1502 500
E-mail address: info@bkr.nl

What are the consequences of a negative BKR registration?

Consumers with a negative BKR registration are generally tainted. For lenders, a negative registration basically says, "You have to watch out with this person. If you are blacklisted with the BKR, your financial reliability is questioned. Someone is considered "unsavory" based solely on the registration.

When applying for a new credit such as a loan or mortgage, a test is performed. The consequence of a negative registration is that you are often boycotted. This often gives a distorted picture; only the registration is known, but an explanation or explanation of the personal situation is missing on a BKR statement.

In theory, it is possible to take out a loan or mortgage with a negative BKR registration. In practice, a negative registration almost always means that a financing application will be rejected. Banks and lenders often do not bother to listen to your personal story in case you have a negative registration. Clearly, a negative registration can be a huge obstacle.

The lender who registered you with the BKR will cancel your credit when you have paid it off in full. After this, the (negative) registration remains visible for five years. Only after these five years the registration disappears from the overview. Until then, a credit (that has long been paid off) can still be an obstacle and you are, as it were, still on the BKR's dock for at least five years.

Example: aftermath of a negative BKR

You take out a loan in 2015. In 2016, you fail to pay the monthly installment amount due to certain circumstances. You receive a negative registration (A-coding). A collection agency is also called in and the entire loan is claimed (2-coding). You make a payment arrangement. In 2017, you manage to catch up with the arrears in full. In 2019, you have paid off the entire credit and the credit is deregistered.

Despite the fact that you have been paying nicely on time again for two years, you may still suffer from this credit until 2024. Only in 2024 will the full record disappear from the statement.

Wondering if you can become creditworthy again?

Dynamite Netherlands will help you get rid of your negative registration. Contact us today and we'll look at your options together.

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