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BKR codes

What BKR code do I have?

To find out what BKR code you have, you can request your BKR statement for free from the BKR website. This statement shows all current codes registered in your name.

Here's how to perform a BKR check

  • Step 1: Go to theBKR website and identify yourself online with your bank account using iDIN.
  • Step 2: Enter your personal information and create an account. This will only take a minute of your time.
  • Step 3: View and check your BKR information for free.


A BKR code can get in the way of your financial future. This negative registration makes it virtually impossible to take out a new loan or mortgage. Fortunately, there is a way to remove your BKR code.

What is a BKR Code?

A BKR code is a code associated with your BKR registration. You get this code when you are in arrears with payments. This negative registration remains for at least five years. During this period, it is almost impossible to take out a new loan or mortgage because banks and lenders consider you a financial risk.

What are BKR codes and their meanings?

To see at a glance what kind of registration we are dealing with, the BKR uses a number of general codings, also called particularity codings. Each coding has its own meaning:

Code A - Backlog coding:

A code A stands for "arrears" and is the lightest coding. You get this code if you are two or three months in arrears.

Code H - Recovery coding:

Do you manage to catch up fairly quickly? Then this recovery is reported to BKR with an H-code. With arrears of longer duration, in principle, you will not receive a recovery code.

Code 1 - Payment arrangement:

Do you manage to make a payment plan or repayment arrangement after arrears arise? Then a 1 code will be placed. This shows that you are actively working to catch up on the arrears.

Code 2 - Claiming the entire claim:

With a code 2, the lender demands the entire amount remaining to be paid, not just the overdue amount. A collection agency is often called in. A code 2 is considered a heavy code.

Code 3 - Write-off or waiver:

  • Write-off: A lender may decide to write off an amount of at least €250 internally.
  • Waiver: A certain amount may be forgiven, such as after a debt buyout or debt restructuring. With forgiveness, the date of the code 3 is the same as the end date on the BKR statement.

Code 4 - Inaccessibility:

This code is placed if you are unreachable by the lender for an extended period of time, making it impossible to collect the debt.

Code 5 - Preventive mortgage payment plan:

This code is temporarily placed in the case of a small mortgage arrears for which a preventive payment plan is in place.

Code 9 - Legal dispute:

If you have a (legal) dispute with a lender, you can get this code.

mortgage with bkr

Consequences of a BKR code: no mortgage

Do you have one or more BKR codes? Then you have faced a special situation where, for example, you could not pay off your mortgage on time. Your mortgage lender is required to report this to the BKR. Placing a BKR code results in you facing a negative BKR registration. BKR codes or particularity codes can have many meanings, but often have the same consequence: you cannot take out a new loan or mortgage.

When you apply for a new loan, credit or mortgage, the lender conducts a BKR check performed. If it appears that one or more BKR codes are listed on your BKR statement, you are considered a potential defaulter. Unfortunately, your BKR statement shows only the BKR codes, which often gives a distorted picture. Sometimes the credit was paid off years ago or the arrears have been repaired for a long time, which cannot always be read off.

BKR coding disappears only after five years

Please note that you are therefore also hindered when applying for a new credit or mortgage, if you have since repaired, or even paid off in full, your loan to which the codes relate. In principle, a BKR code does not disappear until five years after the credit has been paid off in full. This five-year period is always the same and does not depend on the type of coding.

Mortgage with BKR registration: the conditions

How do I get rid of my BKR code(s)?

Do you wish to apply for a new loan and are hindered by your BKR code(s)? It is possible to have the codes removed. First, check that the information on your BKR statement is correct. If necessary, contact your lender.

The highest court in the Netherlands (Supreme Court) has ruled that a BKR code must be removed if your personal interest outweighs the general interest of the lender(s). For example, consider the situation where you wish to purchase a home, but are hampered by a backlog code due to a short period of unemployment in the past. In that case, your lender should remove the coding(s).

Becoming BKR code free

To become BKR code free, turn to Dynamite. We have helped many before you to become BKR code free and therefore have extensive experience with the specific practices of different lenders and banks.

To find out if your BKR registration can be removed, we use a checklist. Request a free, no-obligation consultation today to find out how we can help you become code-free.

Need advice?

Dynamite Netherlands is happy to help you remove your negative code(s). Are you curious about your options? Then please contact one of our customer advisers for a free, no-obligation intake interview. We will review your situation and assess whether you meet our conditions.

Requesting an intake interview

Questions about BKR codes

What is a BKR code?

When do I get a BKR code?

Can I borrow money without getting bkr coding?

How do we remove encodings?

Can you remove a negative BKR code yourself?

Our BKR codes specialists

Deepak Thakoerdien
  • 13 years of experience in legal proceedings
  • Known from the media
Jan Doeke Biesheuvel
  • Has resolved hundreds of cases without court intervention
  • Substantively a very strong lawyer
Lisa van Gulik
  • Has successfully represented hundreds of clients
  • Start lawsuits and proceedings at the Kifid
Nurettin Kocak
  • Has gained great respect within the legal services industry
  • A decisive and no-nonsense lawyer
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