Why can we remove BKR registrations?
To answer this question, it is important to first give you an idea of the laws and regulations regarding BKR registrations.
Lenders are required by law to register loans. The purpose of this is to prevent overcrediting and problem debts among consumers. For this reason, lenders established the Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR) Foundation in Tiel in 1956. The task of the BKR is to maintain credit registrations in the Netherlands. This is done in the Central Credit Registration System (CKI).
One initially speaks of a positive BKR registration. Things only get nasty when problems arise during repayment. In that case, the lender will usually report the registration negative in the CKI. The registration remains after the credit is repaid for 5 years.
Although credit registration undoubtedly serves a legitimate purpose, the protection of consumer privacy deserves attention. This follows not only from the Personal Data Protection Act, but also from various court rulings. After all, a BKR registration should protect a consumer and not unnecessarily (financially) restrict them. Even justified BKR registrations must therefore often be removed.
How do we remove BKR registrations?
We begin by requesting all relevant documents from the lender that registered you with the BKR. After receiving the documents, we reconstruct the actual situation. We also check for any mistakes a lender may have made during the registration process. After all, the lender must also follow the rules when reporting a registration. After this, the documents are checked against the Personal Data Protection Act, the Financial Supervision Act and case law. Based on the facts and circumstances, a well-founded request for removal is submitted to the lender. If the lender agrees with us then your BKR registration will be removed or adjusted. If the lender disagrees with us, then the grounds that the lender raises should be considered. After that, an objection can possibly be filed to still get your BKR registration removed amicably.
By mediating with banks and lenders and starting legal procedures, we help people on their way to a better situation. Dynamite Netherlands distinguishes itself with its innovative services by:
- its knowledge of the laws and regulations regarding BKR registrations;
- Proactively mediating with lenders;
- initiating legal proceedings and
- An established network of contacts at banks and lenders who can remove and/or adjust BKR registration.
Would you like to know if your BKR registration can be removed or modified? Then request a no-obligation consultation first. Our experts are ready to advise you and answer your questions.