Undoing BKR registration
If due to a negative registration you only qualify for a BKR credit, there are often possibilities to get rid of it. Dynamite Netherlands is happy to help you with this, so that you can again apply for a loan, credit card or mortgage from a reputable lender. We do this by mediating with lenders and starting legal procedures.
We are distinguished by years of research, a proactive attitude and good rapport with lenders. We have the necessary knowledge of the relevant laws and regulations, so we know exactly how best to handle your case. Our years of service have resulted in a large network of contacts at virtually all lenders. This means we can help you get to a better situation as effectively as possible.
Review of your file
Of course, we want to operate very responsibly. This means that we will not take on just any case. If we do take your case, it means that we see sufficient chances that your registration will actually be removed or modified.
Do you want to take out a loan, but your application is denied due to a negative BKR registration? Dynamite Netherlands is ready and happy to help you get this removed. This ensures that you can start again with a clean slate.
You can find out right now if we can be of service to you by requesting a free, no-obligation consultation. Our team of advisors is ready to provide you with excellent service. The advisor will list your case with you and paint you a clear picture of all your options.