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Application via Polisa.co.uk

The BKR registers all loans in the Netherlands. When you fall behind on a loan, the BKR records it, which can result in a negative registration. Such a registration serves as a brand mark for "defaulter" and remains for five years after paying off your debt. During this period, it is virtually impossible to obtain a new loan, mortgage or lease car.

Restoring your creditworthiness

Dynamite Netherlands is a specialized legal service provider that can help you get your negative BKR registration removed earlier than the usual five years. An essential condition is that you are financially sound. If we can demonstrate that you are financially stable and have a strong interest in having the registration removed, we can often successfully assist you.

Our lawyers are experts in removing negative BKR registrations. For clients of Domek.nl, we work on a no cure, no pay basis. The guide price for this service is €1,500. If we fail to remove your registration, you will receive the amount back.

Why Dynamite Netherlands?

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How quickly can a negative registration be removed?

    Is it possible to get a guaranteed result?

    How do we remove BKR registrations?

    Can I apply even if I have outstanding debts with the BKR?

    4.7 612 reviews